Richard Rogers, Lodnon as it could be ( from
‘At the heart of our urban strategy lies the concept that cities are for the meeting of friends and strangers in civilised public spaces surrounded by beautiful buildings.’
Urban Design Compendium (from
'Urban Design is the art of making places for people. It is therefore concerned with how they function, not just how they look. It covers the connections between people and places, movement and urban form, nature and the built fabric and the processes for ensuring successful places are delivered and maintained.
Urban design draws together many strands of place-making – environmental concerns, social equity and economic viability – to create places which work and are sustainable in the long term.
Urban design brings together issues of planning, transportation, architectural design, development economics, landscape and engineering to create a vision for an area and then ensure it is delivered.'
Urban Design Gorup (from
‘What is urban design?
Urban design is the collaborative and multi-disciplinary process of shaping the physical setting for life in cities, towns and villages; the art of making places; design in an urban context. Urban design involves the design of buildings, groups of buildings, spaces and landscapes, and the establishment of frameworks and processes that facilitate successful development.'
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