Al Addesseh
This day we were shown the site! Finally! The place the space, the people for whom there is to be a master plan. There is a masterplan, but an unsuccessfully one. We have seen it before, we have discussed it, but prematurely. Only this visit allowed some informed reflection.
Al Addesseh is an area in the north of Jerusalem. It is an empty hill with a seasonal river valley. To the North it neighbours an industrial area, the only Jerusalem industrial area. To the West, a south-west separation wall cuts the hill top in half. Only life happens Bet Hanina neighbourhood to the South and East. Neighbourhood which turned its back to the site. Edges are filled with rubbish, valley is used for occasional cultivation and the hill is empty. It is much steeper than expected and i don not blame anyone for avoiding it in the heat of the day! One hour we were there, burnt by the sun, scratches by viscous plants but cooled by the wind and an occasional tree. The archaeological site on the top of the sill was a disappointingly small rows of stones on the ground.
Al Addesseh is adjacent to the border of Jerusalem. This border was marked on the 27th Jne 1967 with no consideration of topography or demography. Later walls were built. Al Addesseh is cut of its natural historic surrounding. The routes around the site are meaningless at present. What if there was no walls?
All together not a big number of unique observations and feelings but a much bigger and vaster emptiness than expected.
Last of the visits:
Beit Hanina
Doctor's project, an example of a cooperative in a local style. This determined bunch of people buit their own neighbourhood with 2 storey houses of 120 m2. Yet as soon as the construction finishes they will be asking for permission to add another 2 stories! The economics and the timespan of a project like that, of a family house is 4 years just to get permissions! How can one do a cost benefit analysis, foresee the expenses, foresee the changes in regulations in political situations! This is not for economists this exercise, but for determined families which wan a house, need a house! And need it in a safe environment. If not family than the profession will be a a group of bodyguards against the evils of municipal legislation.
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